Welcome to Rheostatics live. These are live shows, videos and other Rheostatics related material that you might enjoy. If you have anything for the site, email me at info@rheostaticslive.com.
Also If you are the author of any shows on this site or provided them to me and are not credited properly or at all, send me an email and I will fix it.
December 3 2021

Well I don't think anyone saw this coming but what a nice surprise - Two new songs streaming from Tim Vesely's side project The Violet Archers! Keep It In The Ground and Quiet This Morning - no info on who played on the tracks or if it is just a one off single.
It is funny I was talking with Tim after a show before the pandemic, about how much I love the Violet Archers albums and he said something along the lines of "I should think about that again at some point".
Here is some more info from the Six Shooter site about the songs. "In "Keep It In The Ground" and "Quiet This Morning," two new songs by The Violet Archers, frontman Tim Vesely makes his thoughts on the climate crisis clear. "I think of it as me expressing myself as an individual, and then hopefully striking a chord with other people who are thinking along the same lines, and then creating a vibration that's a little bigger than myself," Vesely says.
"Keep It In The Ground" employs Vesely's natural indie pop sensibilities complete with a blues-based upbeat guitar riff, carrying his urgent warning message with gusto. "Quiet This Morning" has a ruminative pace and a post-apocalyptic approach that is equal in alarm. "The main thought in both songs is how we have failed to appreciate how good we've had it, how fortunate we've been to have hit this sweet spot in which we've been able to thrive as a species," Vesely reflects. "But it's a precariously balanced sweet spot and there are physical limits to our thriving which is accelerating out of control.""
Streaming links here https://sixshooterrecords.lnk.to/KIITGWE
November 23 2021

(Photo courtesy of Charlotte Cappe - she was 1 year old when I launched the site)
November 23 2006 Rheostaticslive.com was officially launched - it was about 4 months before the "final" show at Massey Hall on March 30 2007. I had been a member of a bunch of Yahoo groups including one for a Spoons group, the Rheos' Fish Mailin' and one for a band called Wheat from Taunton Massachusetts. With each of these bands I managed to connect with actual band members to ask them if they would be OK with me creating a proper online archive where people could download shows - Gordon Deppe, Dave Bidini and Ricky Brennan respectively - and all said yes. Up to this point a lot of people were using FTP accounts to trade mp3s of shows but many of these sites were starting to be shut down. I thought the access to this content was about to disappear and grabbed as much as I could for each band just in case access suddenly stopped (which it did in most cases).
My Wheat site (www.thiswheat.com) was launched in July of 2006 - Ricky Brennan, who was the guitar player in the band at the time, sent me a template to work with and I ended up using it for all my music sites - Rheostatics, Spoons, Thomas Trio And The Red Albino, The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, The Indie Music Archive and also my own band Tempus Fugit - they all look the same thanks to Ricky's original gifted template to work with.
Anyway back in the mid 2000's as Yahoo Groups were utilized as online forums and FTP's were shutting down I managed to reach out to Dave Bidini and asked him if he would be OK if I morphed the mp3's on the FTP sites into a proper online website. I'm pretty sure after a prolonged over descriptive email by me his answer was "y". And with a one letter response the Rheostatics online archive was born.
Over the years a VAST number of people have sent me content for the site. songs, shows, videos, live clips...you name it...I've received it. As well, every member of the band from ever iteration has provided me with content to upload at some point. Don Kerr, Dave Clark, Dave Bidini, Michael Wojewoda, Martin Tielli (Radamez Schaffolding), Kevin Hearn, Hugh Marsh, and Tim Vesely have all provided some of the stuff that now exists in the online archive. In addition I have a huge amount of material which I haven't uploaded yet.
I've tried to keep up with it all. Sometimes I'm better at it than others. Sometimes huge amounts of time goes by and I feel like I'm not doing anything but life just kind of gets in the way of things - plus the last two years have been pretty fucked up. I've tried to do my best to keep things coming but I'm well aware of the fact that there have been large amounts of time where it probably seems like I've abandoned everything. I haven't. Just COVID...laziness...change of jobs...Netflix...Crave...Amazon Prime...Firestick...dealing with kids etc....sometimes I just don't feel like doing it...but regardless of all of that I feel I do want to take this opportunity to acknowledge this milestone and all the work and generosity that has gone into it.
15 YEARS! Almost 30% of my life has been invested in this archive...WHY? Well because of two things...first I'm a pack rat...and second at some point back in the mid 90's I was at The Horseshoe Tavern and saw the Rheostatics open a show with Saskatchewan and it blew my mind and changed my life. That's really the genesis of it all. One song...one show...right place and right time. Everything clicked and I've been a fanatic since. When the site launched it had 24 Live Rheos shows, 4 Martin Tielli live shows, 7 Radio/TV files, 6 Demo/Other files and some videos. Today the site has a full discography, about 156 Live Rheos shows, 4 Bidini live solo shows, 8 Bidiniband live shows, 11 Tielli live shows, 2 Nick Buzz live shows, 3 Violet Archer live shows, and a Five Hole show. Plus 15 Radio broadcasts, 23 Interviews, 30 Demo/Other files, the 9 Volume Static Journey DIY Box set, videos and some articles. Oh and we also did the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 release on Zunior.
So I really just want to say thanks for everything everyone has done to help with the live page. It is a website built on love and generosity from SO many people that if i tried to name them all i would insult some for forgetting to pay my respects and appreciation. To the band members current and past...to the fans...current and past...thank you so much for everything you have provided to date over the past 15 years. I TRULY DEEPLY appreciate it all. Every photo, every MP3, every video and every comment. I'll do my best to try to keep things going...for now I sing the body electric, I celebrate the me yet to come. I toast to my own reunion...When I become one with the sun...wait sorry wrong reference...to every arm stuck in the snow, every whistling satan, every dope fiend and boozehound, every little bird, ditch pig, border skipped, polar bear and tree, every alien and alien boy, every horse and whale, every gas station and connecting flight, every mid winter night's dream, every wingophone and monkeybird, every dot and every bug, every church and every school, every song of flight and boxcar, every little bit of happiness introduced, purified Claires and prairie groupers, every banner flag and arsenal, every northern wish, every beautiful night in every legal age life, and every hat trick scored on every team that called you a fucking queer...from My Generation to the Mountains and The Sea...thanks Rheos for everything you have done that has allowed for this glorious heartfelt loving testament to your generosity to exist. Truly...thanks...Beauty On all ye Rheos freaks. Happy 15th to me and to all of you for making it happen. You are very star.
P.S. I was going to take a photo of me amidst all the various albums, cds, artwork, photos, books and posters that I have that are rheos related but i decided it was way too much work so here is one that kind of covers it all. The Massey Hall shirt - with me holding their first single and most recent album.
Also here is the original post I put up on November 23 2006 on the Yahoo Fish Mailin' page
New Rheos website
Posted by: "darrincappe2000" darrin@darrincappe.com darrincappe2000
Thu Nov 23, 2006 4:13 pm (PST)
Hi Rheostatic fans
I have just set up a Rheostatics Live website. The URL is http;//www.rheostaticslive.com and it also has a Forum and Guestbook. I have about 25 shows which I got from the old FTP site which will be added in the days to come. I will also be adding video and whatever else comes my way. If you have shows/content which you would like to add or if you were the original provider of the shows, let me know and I will credit appropriately. You can email me at info@rheostaticslive.com . If they were yours and you don't want them up, let me know as well and I'll take them down. This is a band sanctioned site which will likely be linked off of the rheos website. At this time I am listing the setlists for the shows and the download is one "zip" file with all songs. If there is a desire for individual songs to be available for download for each show then I can do this as well. Hope everyone enjoys it.
Just to prove that there have been dicks on the internet forever here is the first response I got...
"Is this a joke? Dude, they are no more, they are an ex-band, bereft of life etc, etc ...."
Thankfully things got better from there
June 3 2021
Bidini July 28 1982 Kent Hotel show added. This is the first show the band ever did out of Toronto - opening for L'Etranger
December 4 2020
Bidini 30 Songs In 30 Days for swimdrinkfish music 2009 site added.
December 2 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 7 of 7 September 23 1995 Night show added to site.
November 15 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 6 of 7 September 23 1995 All Ages Afternoon show added to site.
November 10 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 5 of 7 September 22 1995 added to site.
November 9 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 4 of 7 September 21 1995 added to site.
October 25 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 3 of 7 September 20 1995 added to site.
October 23 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 2 of 7 September 19 1995 added to site.
October 22 2020
Green Sprouts Music Week 1995 Show 1 of 7 September 18 1995 added to site.
October 18 2020
Second oldest live show added to the site.Mowat Collegiate Late 1982.
April 16 2020
The Beverley Tavern October 27 1983 show added.
April 10 2020
Melville Recordings and Outtakes added.
April 7 2020
Here Come The Wolves Album release at Sonic Boom September 5 2019 added.
April 5 2020
Bayfield Hall Bayfield Ontario show from December 5 2019 added.
April 4 2020
London Music Hall London Ontario show from December 3 2019 added.
April 2 2020
Avening Hall Creemore Ontario show from November 16 2019 and FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre St. Catharines Ontario November 27 2019 added.
April 1 2020
Coronation Hall Omemee Ontario show from November 15 2019 added.
March 28 2020
Rarities CD provided by Robert Lawson added.
March 19 2020
Danforth Music Hall show from December 6 2019 added.
Februay 6 2020
Two great sounding shows courtesy of Adam Towle added to the site. Both are from the Jasper Heritage Folk Festival August 4 2001. Afternoon set is unique in that it is an almost complete run through of the entire Harmelodia album including Dave reading parts of the book. Night set is a bit more traditional.
December 16 2019
OK so it only took 6 years to get Part 3 and 4 of the Martin Tielli 4 part interivew I did on August 23 2013 completed - is now up in the Articles section.
December 14 2019
Jackson Triggs St.Catharines ON show - August 12 2017 added to the site.
September 6 2019
Rheostatics brand new album Here Come The Wolves is officialy released today.

1. Vancouver
2. AC/DC On The Stereo
3. Rearview
4. Here Come The Wolves
5. It's The Super Controller!
6. Music Is The Message
7. Diamonds On Our Toes
8. I Wanna Be Your Robot
9. The Beautiful Night
10. Goodbye Sister Butterfly
11. Albatross
12. Mountains And The Sea
My Rheostatics Albums Ranked article can be found here. Hope you like it.
May 7 2019
The Siboney Club Toronto Ontario show - November 17 1988 added to the site.
September 23 2018
Horseshoe Tavern 53rd birthday bash shows added to site. There were four shows February 14 2001, February 15 2001, February 16 2001, February 17 2001. The show on Feb 17th was also webcast by a company called Virtuecast which is also linked on the page. All are from soundboard DAT tapes.
September 20 2018
Humanties Theatre in Waterloo Ontario show - January 24 1997 added to the site.
September 4 2018
16 of the 24 shows from the Rheos opening slot on the Tragically Hip's 1996 cross Canada tour to support Trouble At The Henhouse have been added.
April 30 2018
The Horseshoe Tavern show - December 9 2017 added to the site.
April 29 2018
The Horseshoe Tavern show - December 8 2017 added to the site.
April 27 2018
The Horseshoe Tavern show - December 7 2017 added to the site.
March 8 2018
This Ain't Hollywood show - December 15 2017 added to the site.
November 3 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Saturday May 27 2017 show added.
November 2 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Friday May 26 2017 show added.
November 1 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Thursday May 25 2017 show added.
October 31 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Wednesday May 24 2017 show added.
October 17 2017
Rheostatics are playing Thursday-Saturday December 7-9 2017 at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto as part of their 70th anniversary series. Tickets fon sale via Ticketly.com as of 10AM Friday October 20 2017.

October 5 2017
Rheostatics are playing This Ain't Hollywood in Hamilton Friday December 15th 2017. Tickets on sale at https://www.bruha.com/event/2116
September 3 2017
Rheostatics are playing Maxwell's in Waterloo on Friday November 24th 2017. More info on the Maxwell's page. Tickets available via Ticketscene.ca
May 9 2017

Rheostatics are playing a free show Wednesday August 23 at the Peterborough Music Fest. More info at www.ptbomusicfest.ca
April 24 2017
Clinton's Tavern October 20 1990 show added.
April 16 2017
Calgary Folk Fest July 1996 show added.
April 15 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Friday December 9 2016 show added.
April 5 2017
Pre-orders now available for the upcoming CBC Brave New Waves release - track list is:
1.Dopefiends and Boozehounds
2. The Uptake
3. Lyin's Wrong
4. Christopher
5. King of the Past
6. Crystal Soup
7. Four Upright Walls
8. P.R.O.D.
9. Guy Lafleur
10. Chanson Les Ruelles
11. [Interview with Brent Bambury]
Coloured Vinyl, Black Vinyl, CD and Digital Download as well as 5 limited edition Test Pressings available at the CBC Bandcamp pate or Amazon.ca

April 4 2017
Rheostatics Live At Massey Hall - filmed on April 29 2016 is now live as well as the rest of the Season 3 films. See the full 40 minute film at liveatmasseyhall.com/rheostatics or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvFhQ7q20Rg&feature=youtu.be.
March 30 2017
Rheostatics are playing Saturday August 12 at the Jackson Triggs Amphitheatre. Tickets on sale 9:00 AM EST Tuesday April 4 2017 from http://www.greatestatesniagara.com/Store/Jackson-Triggs-Amphitheatre-Tickets/Rheostatics-081217. Venue information can be found here
NEW RELEASE NEWS - March 28 2017
OK not a new album...yet at least...for now Artoffact Records are releasing the Rheos Brave New Waves Session recorded February 7 1988 in Montreal. Format is CD, Digital Download, and Vinyl (Black and Coloured). It was the first Brave New Waves Session and taken from the original CBC Archives' reel and remastered at Grey Market Mastering in Montreal, by Harris Newman. Limited edition vinyl release!Release date is May 5 2017.

Bonus Materials
Includes a post-session interview with the band and host Brent Bambury Includes two bonus tracks from a CBC Velour session
Sales Points
Dave Bidini of the Rheostatics was Brave New Waves host in the early 90s
Rheostatics' classic line-up: Dave Bidini, Dave Clark, Martin Tieli, Tim Vesely
Originally recorded in 1988, in CBC Studio 13, Montreal
Never before released commercially -- only tape bootlegs exist
The inaugural Brave New Waves session!
Curated, and with live keyboards by Kevin Komoda (Rational Youth)
March 28 2017
Rheostatics are playing Friday April 28 at the In The Soil Arts Festival in St.Catharines Ontario from 9-11 on the Festival Hub Stage. Tickets available at http://www.inthesoil.on.ca/2017-festival/tickets/. Rheos are also playing Canada Day July 1 2017 at The Regent Theatre in Picton ON, Prince Edward County - Tickets available at https://www.theregenttheatre.org/tickets/?eid=19600
March 25 2017
Horseshoe Tavern Saturday December 10 2016 show added.
March 23 2017
SPRING NATIONALS - Rheostatics are playing four nights at The Horseshoe Tavern May 24-27 2017. Tickets on sale now via Ticketfly. Dave Bidini, Martin Tielli, Tim Vesely, Dave Clark, and Hugh Marsh
Wednesday May 24: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1458151
Thursday May 25: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1458154
Friday May 26: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1458158
Saturday May 27: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1458161

February 7 2017
Nick Buzz at Lula Lounge December 9 2010.
January 28 2017
Calling Out The Chords Version 0.5 - aka Outtakes from Calling Out The Chords Volume 1 uploaded here
December 20 2016
This is a another sweet find provided by Dave Bidini and Dave Clark - The Introducing Happiness Demos 1993
November 21 2016
1982 Mowat Collegiate show added. Oldest show found to date.
November 1 2016
Rheostatics are playing two nights at The Horseshoe Tavern December 9 and 10 2016. Tickets available via Ticketfly Friday November 4 at 12PM EST. Dave Bidini, Martin Tielli, Tim Vesely, Dave Clark, Kevin Hearn and Hugh Marsh
Dec 9: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1377735
Dec 10: https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/1377736

October 2 2016
December 23 1983 Cabana Room Christmas show added. Second oldest show found to date.
September 30 2016
September 5 1992 University Of Calgary show opening for The Barenaked Ladies added.
September 29 2016
May 30 1992 Ontario Place Forum show opening for The Barenaked Ladies added.
September 11 2016
November 12 2001 Night 6 of Record Body Rheos from The Horseshoe Tavern added courtesy of Martin Tielli.
September 10 2016
This is a goldmine provided by Jeff Robson - The Whale Music Demos 1992
September 8 2016
CKUA Rheostatics Hour October 2 1994 interview with Dave Clark and Dave Bidini added courtesy of Martin Tielli.
September 6 2016
Whale Music Bed Tracks added courtesy of Martin Tielli.
September 1 2016
The Quilted Bear show February 11 1997 in Banff Alberta added.
July 23 2016
Starlight Social Club show April 24 2016 in Waterloo Ontario added.
May 26 2016
Rheostatics will be performing at the Toronto Urban Roots Festival (TURF) at Fort York in Toronto. The festival runs September 16-18 2016 and date and time of the Rheos set is TBD. Tickets for the show are available via the TURF Website.

March 30 2016
Rheostatics will be playing a warm up show at Starlight Social Club in Waterloo Ontario on Sunday April 24 2016. Tickets are $28 with a limit of 9/person and are available via ticketweb. Doors at 7PM. They are also playing at the Harvest Picnic in Hamilton on Saturday August 27 2016. The show will also feature Jann Arden, The Jim Cuddy Band, Alan Doyle & The Beautiful Gypsies, Joel Plaskett Emergency,Great Lake Swimmers,Cowboy Junkies & Many More. Check the Harvest Picnic site for all ticket information.
March 29 2016
March 16 1988 show from The Railway Club in Vancouver BC added.
February 24 2016
Martin Tielli Band show September 24 2008 from the Starlight Club in Waterloo Ontario. First show of tour. Incredible sound recording by Soundmann.
February 17 2016
RHEOSTATICS LIVE - MASSEY HALL REDUX - FRIDAY APRIL 29 2016. Dave Bidini, Martin Tielli, Tim Vesely, Don Kerr, Kevin Hearn and Hugh Marsh. Tickets on sale Monday February 22 for FriendsFirst program. General Public sale is Friday February 26 at 10AM EST.

January 1 2016
Beautiful cover of The Tragically Hip song Bobcaygeon by Martin Tielli. Recorded in 1998. Video by Martin Tielli December 31 2015.
"One take ghetto blaster recording before the song was released. Old recording. I knew they were good when I saw them open for Rush and Gord quoted Mary Margaret O'Hara. With this song he hit THAT level. M2OH. I watched this song develop when we were touring with them. Dundas Streetcar in there. Just thought Gord Downie wrote one of those perfect songs. Had to figure it out..." MT. You can download it at this link.
November 7 2015
November 15 2004 Fall Nationals show 7/12 added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
November 5 2015
November 14 2004 Fall Nationals show 6/12 added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 27 2015
December 17th 2005 Fall Nationals show 10/10 added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 24 2015
December 16th 2005 Fall Nationals show 9/10 added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 20 2015
December 15th 2005 Fall Nationals Guest Vocalist Night - show 8/10 added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 18 2015
December 14th 2005 Fall Nationals Whale Music Night - show 7/10 featuring Dave Clark, Ford Pier and Lewis Melville - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 17 2015
December 12th and December 13th 2005 Fall Nationals shows added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 15 2015
December 11th 2005 Fall Nationals all ages Sunday show added - 8 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 14 2015
December 8th 2005 Fall Nationals show added - 2 track recording by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 13 2015
December 9th and December 10th 2005 Fall Nationals shows added - These are 8 track recordings by Steve Clarkson mixed by Darrin Cappe.
October 9 2015
September 4th, 5th and 6th AGO Shows added.
September 9 2015
Sunday September 6th AGO Show added.
August 11 2015
2004 Fall Nationals shows 1-9 November 10-19 plus Sam The Record Man November 13 2004 added.
May 10 2015
The Casbah Hamilton ON November 6 2004 show added courtesy of Mark Sloggett.
April 15 2015
It is Official - Rheostatics are reuniting for 3 shows at the Art Gallery of Ontario to perform Music Inspired By The Group of Seven 20th anniversay. Dave Bidini, Martin Tielli, Tim Vesely, Don Kerr, Kevin Hearn and Hugh Marsh.

Tickets available as of Tuesday April 21 2015 at 9AM EST via Ticketfly.
April 14 2015
Soundboards for Fall Nationals shows provided by Mark Sloggett for November 10, 12, 13, 14 and 16 2003 as well as Tielli and Vesely solo sets from November 17 2003 added.
March 10 2015
Bidiniband at The Carleton Halifax NS February 13 2015 show added to site.
January 19 2015
Welcome To Planet DROG 1996 album added to site.
December 19 2014
Lots of new interviews added to the Interview Page. Also 1988 Rehearsals tape and El Mocambo 1987 show added.
November 16 2014
Starlight Club Waterloo ON November 5 2005 show added courtesy of Soundmann.
November 1 2014
Scherzo Pub Kingston ON October 15 2000 show added. Just prior to recording NOTSS. Great sound as well provided by Michael Blanck aka Mikey From Kingston.
October 28 2014
Reverb August 29 1997 show added. First confirmed performance of Junction Foil Ball.
October 27 2014
Today is my birthday. Happy Birthday to me. Mark Sloggett versions of Bathurst Street Theatre shows from 04/05 April 1997 added - these sound better than the original versions on the site. The Double Live album contained versions of Torque Torque, Claire, Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too, Bread Meat Peas and Rice, Bees, Stolen Car, Feed Yourself, Shaved Head, Dead Is The Drunkest You Can Get, and A Mid Winter Night's Dream from these shows.
October 24 2014
Mark Sloggett provided version of Corel Centre Ottawa ON show November 29 1996 and Le Colisee Quebec City QC November 30 1996 added. The Quebec show is where the version of Saskatchewan from Double Live was taken from. December 9 1996 Molson Centre Montreal QC added also and December 11 1996 Copps Coliseum Hamilton ON added.
October 24 2014
Mark Sloggett provided versions of Marine Midland Auditorium in Buffalo NY November 26 1996 and Corel Centre Ottawa ON November 28 1996 opening for The Tragically Hip added.
October 21 2014
The Rivoli Toronto ON November 11 1989 added.
October 19 2014
Full CBC Penguin Club show from Ottawa ON March 13 1993 added.
October 17 2014
Earliest Clark/Bidini/Tielli/Vesely verion demos added - Profile Studios 1987 .
October 15 2014
Bidiniband Hillside July 26 2009 and Call The Office London ON April 18 2008 shows added.
October 12 2014
Show number 4/5 on February 28 1994 from 2nd annual GSMW added.
October 9 2014
All Ages Sunday afternoon show number 3/5 February 27 1994 GSMW added.
October 8 2014
2nd Annual Green Sprouts Music Week took place Feb 25-29 1994. Robert Lawson taped all shows of which we have four converted. The first two are Feb 25 1994 and Feb 26 1994. These shows featured 25+ songs that had not been recorded to date in preparation for recording of the Introducing Happiness album that took place the following week at Compass Point Studios in the Bahamas.
October 4 2014
Rheostatics and Trans Canada Soul Patrol's 1983 cassette 16 Minutes Of Song, Rheostatics and Trans Canada Soul Patrol's S/T 1985 cassette, and Another Roadside Attraction Cayuga Speedway Hagersville ON July 20 1995 from Mark Sloggett added
October 3 2014
Night Of The Shooting Stars Rough Mixes added!!!
October 2 2014
The Blue Hysteria Rough Mixes added!!!
October 1 2014
Morningside with Peter Gzowski interview from April 9 1991 added to Radio section.
Nerdstock Volume 1 added to Discography section courtesy of Robert Lawson.
September 30 2014
Full audience recording of the Don's first proper Toronto show at The Horseshoe Tavern August 24 1995. Show also features live debuts of Connecting Flights, All The Same Eyes, Four Little Songs and Sweet, Rich, Beautiful and Mine. Courtesy of Robert Lawson.
September 29 2014
Full audience recording of the Bathurst Street Theatre October 7 1994 show added to Live section. This was recorded and provided by Robert Laswson. Truncated CBC Hot Ticket broadcast of the same show added to Radio section courtesy of Mark Sloggett.
September 28 2014
Etobicoke Collegiate Institute October 24 1996 cassette added to Live section courtesy of Robert Lawson.
September 27 2014
Horseshoe Tavern August 11 1994 cassette added to Live section courtesy of Robert Lawson.
September 26 2014
Melville National Album Release Party cassette added to Demos section.
April 23 2014
Bidiniband have a new album coming out May 29 2014 called The Motherland. Check out their Pledge Music campaign for lots of great stuff. Give the title track, The Motherland a listen.
April 12 2014
Dave Bidini hosted the 2nd annual Stompin' Tom Connors tribute show to support Street Soccer Canada at The Horseshoe Tavern on April 12 2014. For the first time since the Paul Quarrington Tribute Dave, Tim, Don and Martin all took the stage together along with the rest of Bidiniband - Doug Frieson and Paul Linklater. Martin and Tim played for the first and last third or the night along with a host of guests performing Stompin' Tom songs. Finale was Legal Age Life - the only Rheostatics song performed.
November 8 2013
Part 1 and 2 of the Martin Tielli 4 part interivew I did on August 23 2013 is now up in the Articles section.
June 16 2013
BYE BYE DONNIE CAKES - Don Kerr's last 2 shows from Ted's Wrecking Yard May 29 2001 and May 30 2001 added to site
April 4 2013
The March 30 2007 Massey Hall show was pro shot by Mark Sloggett and recorded by Steve Clarkson. I have synced the audio to the video and exported it as a H.264 encoded .mov file that works on both Mac an PC computers. The entire uncut show is 16GB in size and can be downloaded by clicking http://www.rheostaticslive.com/Files/Video/MasseyHall-30Mar2007-mov.zip. There appears to be a problem with unzipping it using WINRAR so if you download the file you may need to use a different program to unzip it.
January 13 2013
Rheostatics Radio page added
January 3 2013
Centennial Secondary School Musical Theatre's version of The Story Of Harmelodia added to site. If you want to purchase a copy please send a cheque for $10 payable to "Centennial Secondary School" to
D. Reed
c/o Centennial Secondary School
160 Palmer Rd.
Belleville, Ontario
K8P 5N4
You can email Dave at dreed@hpedsb.on.ca as well.
December 21 2012
Links section added to site
December 12 2012
Dave Clark's Woodshed Orchestra and Bidiniband's sets from the December 5 2012 Horseshoe Tavern show are now up in the Solo Section. Or Click Here
December 2 2012
Click here to listen to RHEOSTATICS RADIO
November 22 2012
Green Spouts Meet The King of Thunder Bay cassette added to site
November 17 2012
3rd Rheostatics Show has been added - Thursday December 6 early show at The Horseshoe Tavern - doors 6PM, Band 6:30 - Tickets available at Rotate This, SoundScapes and Ticketmaster On sale: Monday, November 19, 2012 10:00AM
October 23 2012
Rheostatics Rheunion Ticket Purchase Info:
Tickets $29.50 Adv / $35 door
By Phone or Internet:
Ticketmaster Thursday Oct 25th at 10AM (it said Friday earlier but it has been corrected)
In Person ONLY (i.e. they don't sell by phone):
Rotate This
Thursday October 25th 11AM
801 Queen St. W.
(one and a half blocks west of Bathurst, on the south side)
Thursday October 25th 10AM
572 College Street (4 blocks west of Bathurst)
The Horseshoe Tavern
Thursday October 25th 12PM (Noon) -2 am.
370 Queen St West
October 22 2012
Over five years at the beginning of the century, Etobicoke's Rheostatics set new records for attendance and durability at Toronto's famed Horseshoe Tavern during their annual "Fall Nationals" concert series. Other than legendary singer Stompin' Tom Conners, who played 25 straight nights in 1974, Rheostatics annually performed 12 straight shows in 12 days, setting a modern mark in which the band played three hours every night, drawing material from their ten--plus album discography, including 1992's "Whale Music," generally considered one of the greatest Canadian albums of all-time.
On Dec 5th, Toronto's Horseshoe Tavern will turn 65 years old, and although having disbanded, ostensibly, for good in 2007 at Massey Hall, Rheostatics will reform for two shows featuring a lineup including Martin Tielli, Dave Bidini, Tim Vesely and drummer Dave Clark, and premiering new material work-shopped over the fall. Returning to the scene of some of their greatest musical triumphs - a place where so much of their classic repertoire was debuted - Rheostatics are thrilled to play for fans and music lovers new and old who once thought this day impossible.
Wednesday, December 5 & Thursday, December 6
The Horseshoe Tavern
Tickets $29.50 Adv / $35 door
Tickets on sale Thursday, October 25th @ 10am at Ticketmaster, Rotate This, Soundscapes &Horseshoe Tavern.
April 27 2012
Here is the Video for Woodstuck
April 25 2012
Take a listen to the new Rheostatics Single "Woodstuck" from the brand new live album "Green Sprouts Music Week 1993".

Contact Darrin and Noah at gsmw1993@rheostaticslive.com for any info regarding this release.
April 19 2012
Here is a Zip file of the Promo Week material including:
1. Christopher - 12Apr1993
2. Onilley's Strange Dream - 13Apr1993
3. The Headless One - 14Apr1993
4. Green Sprouts - 15Apr1993
5. Higher and Higher - 16Apr1993
6. Alomar/Churches and Schools - 16Apr1993
7. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson/RDA - 17Apr1993
8. Fish Tailin' - 18Apr1993 Day
9. What's Going On Around Here? - 18Apr1993 Day
10. Shaved Head - 18Apr1993 Night
April 18 2012
And in the end.....19 years ago today, on Sunday April 18 1993, the Rheostatics played the seventh and eighth shows of their first Green Sprouts Music Week. The second show of the day was an evening show. This one featured both Lewis Melville on Pedal Steel and Dave Allen on Violin. The premise of this show was to run through their albums chronologically, but according to Dave Clark "We're dropping a couple of tunes or else we'd be here till five in the morning". It is a truly great show, the songs from Melville being particularly profound, with many selections making the official release due to the uniqueness of having Dave and Lew accompanying. They include Crescent Moon, Ditch Pigs, Delta 88, Self Serve Gas Station, Higher And Higher, When Winter Comes, Christopher, and Horses. Plus we used Dave Clark's Poetry Moment "Circles" which he recited to introduce the encore. It is a fitting encapsulation of the entire week, green sprouts music club, and sense of community the band endeavoured to possess at the time.
"The net came in too soon today
And in it I was caught
And felt the snare constrict itself
As upshot words of illuminated observations.
A cad would I be to leave the circle
So in myself I saw a sea
And each eyelet of the net
One friend upon freedom.
We celebrate the flowing lines and times
When others war and die
So lucky are we in the circle".
Unfortunately on the source tapes The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald cuts out a minute in, hence was not considered for the release, and we do not know whether that song ended the show or not. It is unfortunate as they mentioned that they didn't know how they got through a whole week without having to play it. Even though it was featured on the pre planned setlists a few times, they waited until the encore of the final night to touch it.
We hope you enjoyed this Promo Week concept, free songs and all. We'll leave you with the version of Shaved Head from this show with Lew and Dave accompanying. One of the most profound and unique songs I've ever heard. A song that does not reduce in it's ability to send shivers down your spine no matter how many years or times you have heard it. Most bands wish they had a single moment like that. The Rheos had albums worth. What a treasure to be in the circle with all ye fellow green sprouts where we could all watch and wonder in amazement.
The set list from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Crescent Moon
2. OK By Me
3. Ditch Pigs
4. Higher And Higher
5. Canadian Dream
6. Delta 88
7. Record Body Count
8. Saskatchewan
9. Horses
10. Christopher
11. Chanson Les Ruelles
12. Lying's Wrong
13. When Winter Comes
14. Self Serve Gas Station
15. California Dreamline
16. King Of The Past
17. The Headless One
18. What's Going On Around Here?
19. Rain Rain Rain
20. Shaved Head
21. RDA
22. Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald
So why not just put this show out as a release and be done with it? Well hopefully this week of going through the songs and shows has given some insight into what would have been missed out on and why we picked the versions we did. Whether it be the false start of What's Going On? or the sunny intro to Northern Wish, Saskatchewan into Onilley's Strange Dream, in the audience Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too, "You ever blow anything up?", "If this were the 60s who would we be?", or rare/unreleased songs such as Seems Like, Uptake, Margaret Atwood etc. The process of leaving things out was more excruciating than figuring out what to put in. Hopefully you like our selections. The bonus disc and promo week is a way to provide even more than just what we sequenced for the official release. If you all like this and go out and buy it, we may even be able to do more....Green Sprouts!
Download Shaved Freakin' Head
April 18 2012
19 years ago today, on Sunday April 18 1993, the Rheostatics played the seventh and eighth shows of their first Green Sprouts Music Week. The first show of the day was an afternoon show. This one featured Lewis Melville on Pedal Steel for most of the set. Northern Wish with Dave wishing Martin good morning and it being a sunny day gave a nice context to the whole green sprouts theme and also helped formulate the more easy going gentle aspect to disc 1 which it kicks off. The show also featured what was one of the trademark and special aspects of rheos shows being when they would enter the audience and play acoustically. They did this for Public Square, Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too and Legal Age Life at this show. Often this was done to end off a show so we used the audience version of Jesus to lead off the encore on disc 3. The rest of the show is flush with great moments as well including an awesome lazy Sunday version of Soul Glue that can be found on the bonus disc. The songs used for the release from this show are: Northern Wish, Rain Rain Rain, Cephallus Worm/Uncle Henry, It, and Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too.
Fish Tailin' was played at 7 of the 8 shows and it was excellent every time. The version chosen here from this show has some great banter at the beginning and gives some context to the RUSH theme that ran through the week.
The set list from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Northern Wish
2. Margaret Atwood
3. OK By Me
4. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
5. Soul Glue
6. The Headless One
7. What's Going On Around Here?
8. Row
9. Full Moon Over Russia
10. It
11. When Winter Comes
12. Public Square
13. Jesus Was Once A Teenager Too
14. Legal Age Life
15. Fish Tailin'
16. Crescent Moon
17. Cephallus Worm/Uncle Henry
18. Aliens
19. Rain Rain Rain
20. Queer
21. Take Me In Your Hand
22. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson
23. RDA
Download Fish Tailin'
April 17 2012
19 years ago today, on Saturday April 17 1993, the Rheostatics played the sixth show of their first Green Sprouts Music Week. This was the first of two afternoon all ages shows. This one featured Dave Allen on Violin for half of the set. If you have the download already you'll know of the unique performance he gives during the version of Saskatchewan included. In addition to Saskatchewan, the other songs from this show included in the official release are: Lying's Wrong, Row, Record Body Count (which was used as the first single from the release), Fish Tailin', Legal Age Life, Aliens, Good On The Uptake, and Soul Glue. Lying's Wrong and Good On The Uptake were both done by request. The version of Green Sprouts which appears on the bonus disc is taken from this show.
Throughout the week the band was doing great versions of Fan Letter To Michael Jackson into RDA. It was performed in this combination 5 times with RDA finding a solo spot on one other occassion. The version of MJ/RDA used on the release was from the previous night's show. This promo week track starts with the "thanks" following the completion of Saskatchewan which was used for the actual release but the thanks were cut in order to recreate the Sask 1/Sask 2 concept from the second night. It is a unique for containing a bit of music store theater. We can only imagine what was going on in the visual realm. You'll have to use your imagination.
The set list from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Christopher
2. King Of The Past
3. Crescent Moon
4. Palomar
5. Saskatchewan
6. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson
7. RDA
8. Aliens
9. Soul Glue
10. Record Body Count
11. Take Me In Your Hand
12. Legal Age Life
13. Row
14. Fish Tailin'
15. Green Sprouts
16. Lying's Wrong
17. Good On The Uptake
18. One More Colour
19. OK By Me
Download Fan Letter To Micheal Jackson/RDA
April 16 2012
19 years ago today, on Friday April 16 1993, the Rheostatics played the fifth show of their first Green Sprouts Music Week. This was a great show in the run, leading into the weekend when the would have lots of guests and 2 afternoon shows. The source tapes unfortunately cut both the beginning and ending of this show. It leads off with a great Higher And Higher from Greatest Hits that had it not been cut off would have made the official release. It ends with a very intense version of Shaved Head that also, had it been complete would have probably made the final cut as well. Ten of the songs from this show ended up on the final release. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds on the official release was taken from this show which was preluded by a discussion about Australia - a running theme throughout the week which didn't make the release with the exception of one comment which we incorporated into the bonus disc questions. Dave originally was playing 12 string for the intro but it was out of tune so they stopped and changed guitars before coming back in with the version you can hear on the release. My absolute favourite moment of the entire run is the cover version of Across The Universe at the end of this show. Due to ownership issues we didn't put it on the official release but if you have purchased it and search really hard you should be able to find it. It is sublime and worth the effort.
We debated which song to use for Promo week from this show. Originally it was to be the version of Higher And Higher but at the last minute changed to the combo of Alomar into Churches And Schools. Alomar was featured in 2 other occasions during these shows but you'll have to search to find them. This version is a stand alone which the others are not so much. The version of Churches And Schools we're using for Promo Week cause if you are a completist it is the only place you'll get a version of this song. It is a bit sloppy so we left it off the official release and it is not on the bonus disc. It was only played this one time during the run and as Dave Clark mentions after it, they hadn't played it since 1988!
The set list from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Higher And Higher
2. Aliens
3. Soul Glue
4. Sickening Song
5. Palomar
6. Crescent Moon
7. Margaret Atwood
8. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson
9. RDA
10. Row
11. What's Going On Around Here?
12. Rain, Rain, Rain
13. Green Sprouts
14. Alomar
15. Churches And Schools
16. Fish Tailin'
17. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
18. King Of The Past
19. Full Moon Over Russia
20. California Dreamline
21. Canadian Dream
22. Horses
23. Across The Universe
24. Shaved Head
Download Alomar/Churches And Schools
April 15 2012
19 years ago today, on Thursday April 15 1993, the Rheostatics played the fourth show of their first Green Sprouts Music Week. The set list for this show was created by Dave Clark who arranged it thematically to begin with the idea of addiction. This gave Noah focus as to how we might structure disc 2 of the live release and ultimately it helped formulate how the first and third discs were structured. Dave Allen was featured at this show from Legal Age Life onward and Chris Brown was brought on stage as well from Alomar onward. Gene Hardy was brought up to play sax on The Headless One which we used for the official release. The arrangement of songs Horses/Soul Glue/Queer was used on disc 3 as the finale to the set, though only the version of Queer with Chris Brown and Dave Allen was taken from this show. The others were replaced with other more interesting versions to replicate the run of songs. This show also has California Dreamline into Canadian Dream which we replicated on disc 2 but using the same combination from the following night as it had a great run of King Of The Past/Full Moon/Dreamline/Canadian Dream that we wanted to retain. So Disc 2 was formulated from the structure of this show with the Dope Fiends/Beerbash/Woodstuck/Headless One stretch - incorporating the King Of The Past to Canadian Dream Run from the 16th. The show on the 15th ended with WWC but unfortunately it was not recorded. We kept it as the final song to close the disc 2 but used the version from the 18th nigh time show.
Green Sprouts was performed at four of the 8 shows of this run. The wild fan filled 13 minute version from the 14th is included on disc 1 of the official release while a great funny version from the 17th is included on the Bonus Disc. If you are not yet aware Noah and I put together an entire 17 song bonus disc worth of material drawn from these shows. It is structured to flow just like the official 3 discs and includes other amazing versions of songs found on the release, or songs that did not make the final cut. The bonus disc is our way of saying thanks for buying the release and also wanting to share as much of this great prime rheos material as possible. The link to the bonus disc can be found in the ransom note set list insert which is part of the artwork included with the order. You'll have to work for it to get the content. It is meant to be fun - if you are having troubles just drop me an email or IM. Since Green Sprouts is the theme - today's Promo song is the third of four versions played - this one from the April 15th 1993.
The similarity between this set list and the one from the previous night is uncharacteristically similar for back to back rheostatics shows. The set list from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
2. Beerbash
3. Woodstuck
4. The Headless One
5. Row
6. Rain Rain Rain
7. Margaret Atwood
8. California Dreamline
9. Canadian Dream
10. Take Me In Your Hand
11. Onilley's Strange Dream
12. Northern Wish
13. Who?
14. What's Going On
15. Greensprouts
16. Fish Tailin'
17. Legal Age Life
18. Alomar
19. Horses
20. Soul Glue
21. Queer
22. Self Serve Gas Station
23. When Winter Comes
Download Green Sprouts
April 14 2012
19 years ago today, on Wednesday April 14 1993, the Rheostatics played the third show of their very first Green Sprouts Music Week. This is the show where they settled into the groove for the rest of the run. it is the first show where they start excelling at most songs and the audio quality become better as well. The setlist kind of stabilized from this show onward to the final show when they did a retrospective of their albums. In a way the first two nights are kind of oddities compared to the rest of the run. Beerbash, Woodstuck, Onilley's Strange Dream, Judy Warned, the 13 minute Greensprouts and Shaved Head all made the official release from this particular show. The Promo song of the day only featured here is The Headless One which was performed at 5 of the 8 shows. The version on the album is from the 15th when Gene Hardy of the Bourbon Tabernacle Choir joined them on sax. This version is fairly representative of the rest of the performances which were pretty solid overall.
The setlist from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
2. Beerbash
3. Soul Glue
4. Woodstuck
5. Row
6. The Headless One
7. Margaret Atwood
8. California Dreamline
9. Crescent Moon
10. Take Me In Your Hand
11. Public Square
12. Onilley's Strange Dream
13. Judy Warned
14. Ebbs and Flows
15. Greensprouts
16. Fish Tailin'
17. Chanson Les Ruelles
18. Shaved Head
19. Aliens
20. Queer
21. RDA
22. One More Colour
23. King Of The Past
24. Legal Age Life
Download The Headless One
April 13 2012
19 years ago today, on Tuesday April 13 1993, the Rheostatics played the second show of their very first Green Sprouts Music Week. Onilley's Strange Dream was a brand new number at the time and was played on the first four nights of the 8 show run. Onilley's Strange Dream was originally titled The Strange Dream of Jenkins Mavety. Reworked it then became Saskatchewan Part II as the band had been considering the follow up to Whale Music to be titled Melville Part 2 with the stories from Melville continuing. Only Onilley and Joey Part 2 were completed with that concept in mind. On the 13th the band played Saskatchewan into Onilley's Strange Dream. We used the idea for the release but decided to use superior versions of both to recreate the moment.
The setlist from this show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Self Serve Gas Station (unrecorded)
2. Northern Wish (unrecorded)
3. Horses (unrecorded)
4. Record Body Count
5. Sickening Song
7. Palomar
8. When Winter Comes
9. Saskatchewan
10. Onilley's Strange Dream
11. King Of The Past
12. Take Me In Your Hand
13. Seems Like
14. Fish Tailin'
15. Fan Letter To Michael Jackson
16. RDA
17. Row
18. Margaret Atwood
19. What's Going On?
20. Queer
Download Onilley's Strange Dream
April 12 2012
19 years ago today, on Monday April 12 1993, the Rheostatics embarked upon their very first Green Sprouts Music Week. Between today and April 18th we'll post one song per show that does not appear on the official release or bonus disc of Green Sprouts Music Week 1993. What you hear now is merely the second greatest Christopher of the three versions they performed that week, and just happens to be the very first song of the entire run. A fitting song about Canada, southern Ontario, and childhood, the good old days. Note the dialogue post song, how they describe it was in fact the dirty dirty El Mocambo which led them to want to spend an entire week in the cities finest musical venue.
The setlist from that show was as follows - bold entries appear on the Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 album available through Zunior.com:
1. Christopher
2. The Headless One
3. Beerbash
4. Crescent Moon
5. Margaret Atwood
6. Who?
7. Soul Glue
8. Take Me In Your Hand
10. Cephallus Worm/Uncle Henry
11. Rain Rain Rain
12. Queer
13. Fish Tailin'
14. Row
15. Ebbs And Flows
16. Onilley's Strange Dream
17. Full Moon Over Russia
18. Legal Age Life At Variety Store
19. One More Colour
20. Fan Letter For Michael Jackson
21. RDA
22. Self Serve Gas Station
23. Horses
Download Christopher
March 30 2012
March 30 2007 Rheostatics played their final show at Massey Hall - Instead of lamenting their absence Darrin Cappe and Noah Campbell have put together the first new Rheostatics release in 5 years to celebrate all that was great about them - go to http://rheostatics.zunior.com/ to pick up the brand new 3 CD 50 track live album download Green Sprouts Music Week 1993. Full of jokes, banter, music and memories it is weaved together like one big long Rheos' set, from songs performed April 12-18 1993 at their first Green Sprouts Music Week at Ultrasound Showbar. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
March 29 2012
Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 Disc 3 Track List and samples now up on the GSMW Page
March 23 2012
Green Sprouts Music Week 1993 Disc 2 Track List and samples now up on the GSMW Page
March 20 2012
Happy Spring Everyone
1,2,3 and 4 here they come from the ground
Take a listen to the first single which we sent to radio today.
Record Body Count from the new triple live download available March 30 2012 from http://rheostatics.zunior.com
March 16 2012

From April 12th to April 18th 1993, The Rheostatics played their first of many Green Sprouts Music Weeks. Over the course of 8 shows in 7 days the Rheostatics performed over 175 unique renderings of songs at Ultrasound Showbar in Toronto, considered by many of the musical luminaries of the 90's Toronto scene to be the greatest venue.
Following on the heels of their iconic Melville and Whale Music albums, the Rheostatics were road-testing material that would ultimately be recorded for their most varied and daring album; Introducing Happiness. At the time of this run of shows they were playing many of those songs, some of which were still in the developmental stage. They were not yet aware that a girl named Claire and a soundtrack to the Whale Music Movie would precede the recording of that album.
Featured on this set are not only embryonic versions of songs bridging the gap between mythology and history for fans, but 7 unreleased songs, some of which have not been heard by anyone since the spring of 93. Written at the zenith of the bands creative peak, many who are not familiar with the quality of work which was released in that time period, will be left scratching their heads in amazement at the songs left by the shoreline. Two of the shows took place in the afternoon starting the tradition of at least one all ages show at some point during their GSMW/Fall National residencies.
The 1993 shows also featured a host of guest musicians including Chris Brown and Gene Hardy of The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir, Lewis Melville, Dave Allen and Kevin Hearn who at that time was still in The Look People. Bob Snider and The Inbreds were the opening acts throughout the week. Dave Ulrich of The Inbreds would go on to start Zunior.com, which is where this brand new 3 CD distillation of material from those 8 shows can be purchased for download as of March 30 2012.
"Green Sprouts Music Week 1993" arrives nineteen years after the actual shows, fifteen years after their first live album "Double Live", seven years after their last release "Calling Out The Chords, Vol. 1", and five years to the day after their last official show at Massey Hall. From spontaneous and funny to whimsical and gonzo chaotic. From stark beauty to deep dark intensity. From San Quentin to Trudeau's Cock. Rediscover the beauty of the Rheostatics.
Check out the new GSMW 1993 page
March 7 2012
April 12-18 1993:
1st annual Green Sprouts Music Week at Ultrasound Showbar in Toronto
7 days
8 shows
175+ songs played
March 30 2012:
49 songs
5 guest musicians
3 CDs worth of material for download
Rare and unreleased songs as well as a wealth of material from Greatest Hits, Melville, Whale Music and the yet to be recorded Introducing Happiness, many never officially released in a live format.
5 years after the final show at Massey Hall in Toronto discover all over again why you fell in love with the Rheostatics in the first place.
Available for download March 30 2012 through http://rheostatics.zunior.com/
January 8 2012
Full discography added to site. Thanks to Rusty Spell for providing lyrics and liner notes and Chad Walton and Mike Bentley for some of the artwork scans.
December 4 2011
Commodore Ballroom Vancouver BC August 18 2000 show added. This is an amazing sounding show (so good it should be considered for official release!). I can't remember who I got it from. If it was YOU let me know. This show is a heavy mix of Harmelodia and Night Of The Shooting Stars Material and also features only the 2nd version of Monkeys Will Come I've found to date.
August 8 2011
Rheostatics TV Tape#1 and Tape#2 added to the Video section.
May 27 2011
6 new shows added courtesy of Eric Mac Innis, including Bidiniband 18Sep2010 from The Horseshoe Tavern, Art Of Time Ensemble 30Jan2009 Enwave Theatre Toronto, Martin Tielli at Ottawa Bluesfest July 5 2008, Martin Tielli at Hugh's Room Toronto September 27 2009, Nick Buzz at Lula's Lounge Toronto March 23 2011, Stolen From A Hockey Card - Bidiniband and Friends Yukon Arts Centre, Whitehorse YT February 10 2011
November 6 2010
Whale Music is now available on Vinyl 2LPs via Six Shooter Records
October 23 2010
Full 2 hour and 15 minute video from Feb 16 2001 Horseshoe show added to the Horseshoe page.
October 17 2010
Bill Duhigg has provided one of the oldest recordings of the Rheos to date. According to Bill's notes: "I'm fairly certain all these recordings were made the weekend of August 22/23, 1987, and all were broadcast on CFRO-FM, co-operative radio. The CFRO in-studio appearance and the Savoy gig were on the Saturday, with Pigeon Park on the Sunday. All three locations were in the Gastown neighborhood of Vancouver. Pigeon Park featured an outdoor stage below the then CFRO offices, and numerous bands performed short sets which were broadcast." Check it out at the Vanvouver 1987 page.
August 17 2010
Michael Philip Wojewoda's radio show for the forthcoming release of Whale Music on 2 LP Vinyl added to the Radio Shows section.
April 28 2010
From the last Six Shooter email regarding Vinyl Records - "We also have the Rheostatics' Whale Music coming down the pipe, which will be a double album with a tri-fold-out poster of the original Whale Music painting by Martin Tielli."
January 14 2010
Two new Bidiniband shows added courtesy of the ever generous Eric Mac Innis. Both shows are from The Carleton in Halifx NS - December 6 and December 7 2009. MP3 and SHN WAV files are available for both audience and soundboard versions.
October 26 2009
Claire live from the celebration of Paul Quarrington on October 24 2009.
Dope Fiends and Boozehounds
October 16 2009
A reunited Rheos will be performing on Saturday October 24 in Celebration of Paul Quarrington in the Brigantine Room at Queens Quay - York Quay Centre, 235 Queens Quay West, Toronto at 3PM
. No details on who will be in the reunited band or how long they will play for.
Tickets are $15 via http://tickets.harbourfrontcentre.com/calendar/view.aspx?id=10327
December 25 2008
Merry Christmas. Today I added the entire Static Journey makeshift boxset that I put together in Feb/March of this year. It is a 232 track retrospective of the band's career starting in 1980 and ending at the final show at Massey Hall on March 30 2007. It runs almost 14 hours and contains onstage banter, radio sessions, interviews, album cuts and a ton of live material gathered from this site. This is one history of the band. I'm sure everyone would have their own. If I did it again I'm sure it would be 100% different, but either way it is definitely interesting. I hope you all enjoy it. Go to the "Static Journey" nav on the left and download away.
June 19 2008
The One Yellow Rabbit Silver Jubilee show from Calgary Alberta featuring Rheostatics (Five Hole Version) is now up here. Thanks to Noah Campbell for providing it. It is not cut up at this point.
April 18 2008
New Violet Archers album comes out May 6 called Sunshine At Night courtesy of the Zunior Label in both digital and CD format available via Outside Music Distribution, or mail order at Zunior.com.
Tracklist is:
1 You and I
2 Insecure
3 Transporter
4 Tired
5 Sunshine At Night
6 Suffocates
7 Truth
8 Themesong
9 Don't Talk
10 Listening
April 15 2008
The Violet Archers October 2005 Victoria BC added courtesy of Tyson Haverkort
April 11 2008
The Story Of Harmelodia Demos added courtesy of Rob Pingle.
Halifax August 27 2004 show added courtesy of Noah Campbell.
March 30 2008
Part 9 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 9: 2067, Covers and The Last Whale" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
March 22 2008
Part 8 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 8: Night Of The Shooting Stars" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
March 14 2008
Part 7 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 7: the Stories Of Harmelodia" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
March 7 2008
Part 6 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 6: The Sevens" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
February 29 2008
Part 5 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 5: Introducing Happiness" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
February 24 2008
Part 4 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 4: Whale Music OST and Greensprouttakes" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
February 17 2008
Part 3 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 3: Whale Music" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
February 10 2008
Part 2 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 2: Melville" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
February 5 2008
Part 1 of my 9 part Rheostatics Box set concept - "Static Journey Volume 1: The Beginning" can be found at my Northern Wish Blog
September 9 2007
Miscellaneous Files (including Whale Music Radio Promo and Shaved Head Video Version), Rheos rehearsal of Elevator from 1982 and PROD with Gordie Wilson from 1986 added.
September 8 2007
Interviews page added to the Demo/Other Section.
September 7 2007
The following new shows/tapes have been added to the site courtesy of Dave Bidini. There is a ton of interesting stuff here to go through. Enjoy. The new files are First Statics 1979/1980, Green Sprouts Collection #3 Summer 1993, Green Sprouts Collection#4 April 1994, Green Sprouts Meet Delilah 1994, May 2 1998 The Music Hall Toronto ON, February 1987 CBC Brave New Waves.
August 23 2007
The Centennial Secondary School show from November 30 2000 featuring the CSS stage band, concert band and chorus and Musical Director David Reed is now up courtesy of Dave Bidini.
August 18 2007
3 New Dave Bidini Solo Shows from his East Coast Tour are up in the Solo section courtesy of Eric Mac Innis. They are July 26 2007 The Upstairs, Sydney Nova Scotia, July 28 2007 The President of Mount Allison's House, Sackville NB, and July 29 2007 The Paramount, Moncton NB. Thanks again Eric.
August 16 2007
Coming soon - Dave Bidini Solo East Coast shows from Eric Mac Innis. I also got from Dave Bidini today about a dozen tapes going back to 1980. Some live, some Greensprouts material, some early Rheos, some radio, the Centennial Secondary School performance from November 30, 2000 with David Reed. I will add it as it is transferred.
I would also like to add to this page a big photo section similar to the one from the goodgonedead.rheostaticslive.com site. It will be one file with rotating photos from throughout the years, so if you have Rheos photos and would like to add them to the collection, email them to me. Add as much info as you have about them. Show, date, year, who took the photos and how you would like to be credited on the site.
May 3 2007
Most of the Rheos videos have been uploaded to Youtube in case you don't want to download them from here. Quality drops a bit as with all Youtube videos. Here is the link.
April 27 2007
The Massey Hall soundboard is now up at http://www.goodgonedead.rheostaticslive.com/30Mar2007-MasseyHall-TheLastShow-Soundboard.shtml. A very special thanks to Mark Sloggett and Lucky Budd with special thanks to Steve Clarkson for allowing them to patch in and for asking Massey Hall for special permission to do so.
April 24 2007
The following new shows have all been added to the site courtesy of Lucky Budd. They are all awesome soundboard shows. Centennial Square Victoria BC 18Jul2001, The Icehouse Victoria 18Jul2001, Sugar Victoria BC 17Nov2005, Upstairs Cabaret Victora 26Oct2004, Vertigo Victoria 21 and 22Jan2000, The Horseshoe 08Nov2001, Canada Day 2000 Harbourfront Toronto, Farmer In The City Victoria 01Sep1999, and a new version of CBC Realtime from 08Mar1997. Thanks Lucky.
April 21 2007
I just got the scanned tickets for the Massey Hall show from Russ Starke who is a part of the "UsedWigs Radio team". You all should read what he wrote about Whale Music at http://usedwigs.com/thebin_01.html. There is also a great review there of 2067.
April 20 2007
New shows up include London January 23 1997, Guelph December 18 1997, Kitchener December 20 1997, and Martin at Jane Bond Waterloo August 29 2001 provided by Jeff Kemp. Thanks Jeff.
April 08 2007
Tyson Haverkort mentioned to me that many of the shows on this site were originally provided to him by Blu Rabbi. If you are Blu Rabbi, let me know which shows were originally yours and I'll update the authorship on those shows.
April 01 2007
I am setting up a section dedicated to the last show at Massey Hall. It can be found at http://www.goodgonedead.rheostaticslive.com. if anyone has video, photos or articles that they would like to contribute, email me at info@rheostaticslive.com and I will guide you to where it can be added.
March 29 2007
I have just set up a new site called The Canadian Music Forum. It is going to be a resource for where to find information on Canadian Bands on the Net (presently under construction). It is also a huge Music Forum for all Canadian Band discussions old and new, present and extinct.
March 28 2007
If anyone has anything that they would like added to the site (shows etc), and are coming to the show on Friday, email me at info@rheostaticslive.com and I we can meet up if possible
March 27 2007
This is a great little retrospective with photos at the CBC website about the Rheos.http://www.cbc.ca/photogallery/arts/370/
March 14 2007
Here is a pdf file which you can download and take to the final Rheos show if you want. You can write down the setlist, get autographs or just use it to cry on. Click Here
March 9 2007
Video section revamped. Videos added/revised are Aliens, All The Same Eyes, Bad Time To Be Poor, The Ballad Of Wendel Clark part 1 and 2, Claire, King Of The Past, Record Body Count, Shaved Head, Stolen Car, Much Music live performances of Legal Age Life, Michael Jackson, Shaved Head and Soul Glue, and The National Group Of Seven clip.
February 28 2007
The following shows were added courtesy of Eric Mac Innis:
Horseshoe Tavern Toronto ON February 16, 2001
Fredricton NB April 18 2005 full show
Evolve Festival Antigonish NS August 28, 2004
Stan Rogers Folk Festival Canso NS 02 and 03 July 2005
The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto December 10 2005 GSMW Night 3
The Violet Archers at The Anza Club Vancouver BC October 22, 2005
January 27 2007
Green Sprouts Music Week Whale Music Night 7 from the Horseshoe Tavern Toronto December 14 2005 and Babylon show from Ottawa July 15 2005 added courtesy of Allan F.
January 14 2007
Call The Office London Ontario show from August 11 2000 added courtesy of Noah C. This is one of the best souding live shows I have heard.
January 09 2007
Darrin's YouTube Selections added. This is stuff I like and is non-rheos related.
January 05 2007
Chris Short Claire Central Nervous System remix added to demo page.
January 01 2007
23 Minute Ear To The Ground Special on Rheostatics added. This was a CBC series from 1992 which profiled up and coming Canadian bands. I also have Thomas Trio and the Red Albino (who were an awesome live band), Leslie Spit Trio and The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir which can be found at www.bourbontabernaclechoir.com website.
December 22, 2006
Videos added including Aliens, Record Body Count, I'll Never Tear You Apart (high quality), Martin Ontario Arts Council TVO, and E! Now Interview courtesy of Robin J.
Snooks 2 hour pirate radio retrospective on The Rheostatics titled Raise A Little Band from 2003 added to Radio section
December 21, 2006
Rock 101 show from 1993 added to Radio section courtesy of Robin J.
December 20, 2006
I just noticed at Don Kerr's Myspace that Don is playing at the final Rheostatics Show on March 30 2007. Perhaps it is going to be a retrospective with all old members.
December 17, 2006
Updated 75 song version of the Rare Rheos file added courtesy of Chad.
December 09, 2006
Barrymore's 02Feb1996, Barrymore's 23May1996, Bathurst Street Theatre Shows (X3), Kingston 07Jul1991, Corel Centre Opening for The Tragically Hip 28 and 29 November 1996, CBC Realtime 08Mar1997, Record Runner In Store Acoustic 29Nov1996, The Penguin Club CBC Hot Ticket, CFNY 04Dec1997, shows all added courtesy of Chad.
December 08, 2006
Video Section added
November 23, 2006
www.rheostaticslive.com offically launched