Source : CD Released: 1995 Company: DROG/GSMC

This album was put together to raise money for The Kids Help Phone. All songs are live versions taken from the benefit show at Ultrasound Showbar on July 2 1994. I think this is the only recorded version of songs from gunlbob which was Andrew Whiteman's band before Que Vida. Track 12 has 2 hidden Rheostatics tracks - at 3:44 is a live version of As I Was Going Down The Stairs and Who? at 5:40. I had never heard of this album until Robert Lawson provided me with it.
01. You / People From Earth 4:44
02. Things / Adam West 5:07
03. TS Eliot / The Inbreds 2:54
04. Pilot To Bombadier / By Divine Right 3:41
05. Johnny Rainbow's History Lesson / gunlbob 6:45
06. Keith and Amy / Wooden Stars 8:00
07. The Boy Who Cried Eye / Adam West 2:54
08. Noah's Cage / The Inbreds 4:01
09. On The Rocks / By Divine Right 2:30
10. Sales Machine / gunlbob 2:53
11. Monster / People From Earth 4:26
12. Sparrow Song / Wooden Stars (including As I Was Going Down The Stairs and Who? 9:14
Total Time: 57:03
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