Source : Cassette -> MP3
Author: Unknown
Dave Clark writes:
"Well, friends, thanks for laying out those ten skins to hear these golden-brown Rheostatic moments. What you're getting here is a composite of what you'd find if you came to my shack and requested a compilation tape from yours truly. Some fo the tasty nuggets within have never seen the light of day while others have been broadcase across nations. The quality here ranges from pristine (studio recordings) to down right shitty. Yet they all have one thing in common: They embody the spirt of the Green Sprouts! So stick it in yer funk-bucket, crank it up loud, and have a little Xmas Brown cheer on us!"
01. Crystal Soup (Brave New Waves - Feb 88) 3:37
02. Victoria/Xmas Brown/Stoner Guy/It (CIUT-FM - Dec 89) 5:07
03. What's Going On (The Lab - Oct 88) 4:06
04. The Uptake (Vancouver? - Nov 87) 4:38
05. Sammy's Tiny Fish Market (Tim's Bedroom in Etobicoke - Aug 90) 4:08
06. Woodstuck (Profile Studios Vancouver - Mar 88) 2:35
07. Palomar w/ Tannis Slimmon (Uncle Lew's Sound Emporium - May 90) 4:02
08. Beerbash (Ultrasound Showbar - May 91) 6:08
09. Dope Fiends and Booze Hounds (Royal Albert Hotel - Jul 87) 3:28
10. Interview w/ Jeff Edwards (Coast to Coast CBC - May 91) 1:49
11. Melvilliodramatus (Louis Melville - Mar 91) 1:42
12. Joey Two w/ Steve Woeller, Steve Andrews, and Charlie the Talking Dog(Louis Melville - Jul 90) 3:37
Total Time: 44:55